Be Like: Bob and Chelsea – Is Owning Cheaper than Renting?

Is Owning Cheaper than Renting

The account below is a real-life story from one of our clients. To protect the identity of our clients, we don’t want to use their real names. However, their stories are real, the stats are real, and the emotion in the situation is real. Starting with this blog we will be posting a series of real-life stories using different names as our clients’ names. This is the “Be Like” series.

Bob and Chelsea’s Story

“Bob and Chelsea” were referred to the Jarrod Peterson Real Estate Group through a satisfied past client. Newly married at the young ages of 25 and 28, they each had enjoyable careers as a nurse and IT support professional. They felt they had satisfying lives but wanted more. Bob and Chelsea wanted a home for their new furniture, a fenced in yard for their dog, and space to start a family (in the near future). Bob and Chelsea met with Jarrod Peterson and his team and started discussing the various approaches and strategies to buying their first home.

They told Jarrod they were paying $1770/month for their rental and their lease was due to be renewed within a few months. Jarrod and team went to work. They showed the couple seven properties on the public market and five properties not quite available to the public.

The couple were happy with so many choices but discouraged by the price they would have to pay for their dream home. After a month of looking, Bob and Chelsea decided to continue to rent another year and put off pursuing their dream of home ownership. When Jarrod contacted them about a great opportunity, it was almost time to officially renew their lease.

Jarrod had met with a builder in Zimmerman and was able to show Bob and Chelsea the last home for sale in a development. This was a brand-new home, recently completed. Through strategic negotiations, Jarrod was able to secure the new property for Bob and Chelsea at a discounted price. The couple was delighted to be purchasing a home. Financially speaking, they were thrilled. They soon discovered through working with one of Jarrod’s premier lenders that their monthly mortgage payment would be approximately $1400/month.

Remember they were paying $1770/month in rent. They became ecstatic that they could take the additional $370 per month and apply it toward a new vehicle that they desperately needed. To think, they bought a new home and a new car in the same month for the same price as they were paying while renting. What an accomplishment for them.

If you want to BE LIKE BOB AND CHELSEA and learn more about how we can help you too, attend our upcoming Hops and Home Buying Workshop on Monday, February 18th from 6-7:30 pm at Omni Brewing. Come for some appetizers and drinks and learn how we have helped Bob and Chelsea and hundreds of other clients realize financial success through real estate.